Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Holiday weekend

Here are a few photos I took on the weekend when I went for Breakfast at North Head with my dad and Sam. We had a really delicious breakfast with a great view and then took one of the walking paths in the area to show Sam around a bit.
We ended up seeing seals at one of the look outs (you can sort of see them in the middle of the bottom photo), which was so cool. Apologies that the photos are so dark though, I am still super unfamiliar with the photo editing program I have on my computer..

This week I have been slowly getting better from the tonsilitis I had. I managed to do a bit of shopping for makeup and skin care stuff, go to the dentist twice to get new retainers and then a teeth clean, see Trainwreck at the movies with some friends, and today I went to buy some presents for Father's Day and Max and Joyce's birthdays which I will miss out on because I will be back up at uni.
I also took the train to Sam's last night to stay the night and although it went so quickly, it was so good to see him one last time before I head back up to Armidale tomorrow morning.
My holidays definitely didn't turned out the way I had planned because of getting sick, but I still managed to catch up with a few people and get some study done. So at least I won't be completely behind when classes start up again.

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