Sunday, March 30, 2014

Speaking of happiness..

Seems like I have been thinking a lot lately about making a few changes to how I act and how I feel.
I have also realised that being happy is not all about changing things in myself. It is about letting go of things that were just never going to work out. Things that you have tried so hard to hold on to despite how much it may be affecting you or hurting you.
If I am really wanting to move on and make everything more positive for myself, I need to let go of some negative aspects of my life. One example being people who put me down or only ever do what is best for them in all situations. Seeing people like that really does show you who your real friends are and make you feel lucky to have been able to have some really genuine people in your life. It's also shown me how much one person really can negatively impact another.

So the resolution continues: remove negative aspects from my life that are within my control and never be the kind of person to ever make anyone feel down.
I really do want to see the good in everyone and be someone that will always be there for the people I love and care about.

My lecturer would be so happy if she knew how motivated I am to change certain mindsets and aspects of my life. All of this recent thinking has stemmed from an assignment based on positive psychology..
This is what seems to happen when you spend lots of time researching things related to psychology :\

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