Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"that little boy's penis on your shirt is a bit creepy"

Nirvana shirt number three that has been waiting for me in Australia for a number of months is finally a new addition to my wardrobe. I also ordered a black singlet top with it that has low sides (finally a shirt where you can see my tattoo!) that I am going to be wearing non-stop with my black lacy bandeau. 
Yesterday was one of the most boring days in my life because I had a sore stomach and couldn't manage anything but lying down and feeling sick, thankfully I'm feeling better today and my brother is coming back from uni so I'll have a bit of company. I did however manage to make myself a really good vegetarian pizza on a wheat and gluten-free base yesterday, that I ate while watching Big Brother (awful choice of TV I know but there was nothing else on). Sorry for yet another food picture but I'm pretty proud of my creations, and also proud of myself for eating pretty healthy.

Started off today with bran cereal with banana and honey on top and a vitamin C drink and dinner is leaning towards ricotta and spinach canneloni with salad on the side. Why am I all of a sudden interested in cooking and what I eat??? Also managed to get a small amount of cleaning done this morning and now I'm having a rest with some music playing in the background. This whole fending for myself thing just makes me want to move out even more than before. Dear Emma's body, please get better in order to allow Emma to find a job and make money so she can save and finally move out. Reality ruins everything..  

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