Friday, December 2, 2011

The day I booked my destiny

Going to Luleå was a success because Jenny and I have now booked a date and time to get our tattoos done (11th January, 2pm)!! The only problem is that I'm fair poor so I'm going to be saving like a madman the next five and a half weeks. I also bought some new shoes, had some good fika and found out on the way home that I would be back at home in time to go out tomorrow much for saving like a madman..
It's incredibly hard to see what's written on the card and it's back to front because I took the picture on photobooth but there's the date and time that was written down on that card today that was given to me. And look how happy I am, nothing more exciting than the anticipation of waiting to get a tattoo.

Last weekend we had two of my couins and my aunty over for some coffee and cakes and I forgot to put up pictures so here they are a week late:

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