Wednesday, February 8, 2012

summer plans

These two pictures are a sneak-peak of the kinds of amazing places I will be visiting this summer. I booked a 21 day contiki tour yesterday which will take me to France, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Vatican City, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and the Netherlands. To say I am excited is a complete understatement, my whole body is basically quivering over the idea of discovering new places, getting out there on my own without any parents and meeting a bunch of new people. I can't even believe it's booked, that I am actually going to be doing this. Speaking of booking something there are a few more things I need to book and pay for within the next few weeks: 
- Flight to Stockholm
- Accomodation for Stockholm
- Peace and love ticket
- Flight to London
- Flight home to Australia

I have a feeling that this summer is going to be the best one of my whole life; time spent with friends, new places, new people, gaining independence, and finally going back home, getting a job and working out uni/future plans. Please let it be summer already.

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