Monday, March 14, 2011

Impulse buys

I felt that after most of my exams are done I deserved to go buy some new things to add to my makeup collection. I was in need of an eyeshadow brush and ended up buying an eyelash curler, eyebrow brush and mascara too just because I felt like it. I am really excited for spring to come because then I can start playing around with more bright eyeshadows and blushers to match the colourful clothes with bright flowery patterns that I plan to start wearing through spring this year. I also can't wait to try some bright lipsticks to really bring some colour in to my face. I'll try find some spring-inspired makeup looks that I really like when it actually gets closer to spring to put up on here.

The mascara I bought which is by Maybelline called colossal volume express. So far it works so well and  makes it look like I have more and longer lashes than I actually do. This is an impulse buy I am not regretting. For once.

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